Vladimir Putin the Russian Hero

 . Vladimir Putin has the most improved reputation of public figures in 2015, according to a new YouGov profiles analysis. Mr Putin’s reputation seemingly improved dramatically amongst British people mainly due to his handling of the Syrian crisis. . “Do you realize what you have done?” Vladimir Putin demanded at the United Nations in September. […]


  The civil war in Syria is continuing, though at a less intensive pace, but it has been abundantly clear for months that Russia- Putin, President Bashar Assad and his government have won. After three years of military intervention, Moscow has solidified its proxy position and now have a Military base, port as well in the Mediterranean. […]

Failure to count the costs

Lacking experience, hot headed, foolish Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau  is falsely escalating a war with Russia and the US and it is always the same reason.. Money, I am sure that Justin Trudeau is going to make KGB Putin tremble with fear and trepidation” or not.. “Its like taking a knife to a […]

The crux of the Matter

The basic, central or critical point of why many like Trump, Putin, Russia and others do not.  Is the Christian religion, Matthew 12- 30 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. The Demon inspired Liberal fantasy is reinforced in the media every day. The […]

The Liberal immoral lies, wars

The Liberal  mainstream media has been lying about events in Syria. Much of history if not a lie, has been misrepresented. A  one sided view, distortion. Much of our institutions and the history of our legal system have been abused. There is pretty much no public even western institution that is, that is not  corrupted […]

Corruption Accusations, sends Shock Waves Abroad

  Ukraine is regularly ranked among the most corrupt countries in the world and allegations of double dealing, inflated contracts, bribery, and other claims among business and political elites are common. International financial institutions have warned Kyiv that its lack of reform and persistent corruption threaten billions in crucial aid that has helped keep the […]

EU, Putin and Donald Trump

The mainstream Liberal media is in a hurry to delegitimize President Donald Trump, Putin but in doing so it delegitimizes itself.    Supposedly unbiased reporters have taken to Twitter to report 140 word stories about Mr. Trump and his team, none of which are large enough to give the proper attribution or context. Most are grossly […]

Decade-long false demonization of Putin by the US Democratic political-media establishment.

The real story  is the exposition  of the majority of the mostly liberal US media for what it really is: a corrupt and arrogant media industrial complex, lying, immoral, liberals, leftists, an aggregation of “pretend-journalists”, or media practitioners (who  also populate  the radio and advertising segments of the US media, wreaking mayhem and spreading evil), […]

Falsely Blame It On The Russians

Now the Obama Administration has been constructing a false narrative to justify NATO preparations for war with Russia.. Putin  has been linked to everything from Brexit, Jeremy Corbyn, Greece and Spain. People treat him like an omnipotent mastermind who secretly and effortlessly controls world events and we should stop giving him so much credit.  . […]

David Cameron: Panama Papers

Panama has long been a haven for money launderers—including the CIA. Panama has been a widely-used tax haven for nearly a century,   that has evolved into a complex relationship between the country’s banking, legal and financing sectors.   . Dummy companies   set up by the White House and registered in Panama, were used to float the Nicaraguan […]