The Liberal immoral lies, wars

The Liberal  mainstream media has been lying about events in Syria. Much of history if not a lie, has been misrepresented. A  one sided view, distortion. Much of our institutions and the history of our legal system have been abused. There is pretty much no public even western institution that is, that is not  corrupted […]

Falsely Blame It On The Russians

Now the Obama Administration has been constructing a false narrative to justify NATO preparations for war with Russia.. Putin  has been linked to everything from Brexit, Jeremy Corbyn, Greece and Spain. People treat him like an omnipotent mastermind who secretly and effortlessly controls world events and we should stop giving him so much credit.  . […]

America’s news about Russia is heavily distorted, censored

How exactly do Americans keep a straight face when criticizing Russia, while arming terrorists world wide to protect the “American way”???   Sixty percent of all mainstream Western media reports ARE BIASSED  smear China  and Russia. Western media outlets don’t cover others fairly as they are  sensational, and especially in recent decades  negative.   Western media plays up Russia’s […]

Turkey s war with Putin is also about Oil..

 Turkey needs Oil.. it has to import a lot of it.. .  International media outlets paint a picture of a government that is attacking its own people, that is insincere about fighting ISIS, that shot down a Russian fighter jet for no good reason,. Turkey claims the plane encroached on Turkish airspace and received multiple […]


Now the relationship between Russia and Ukraine is still deadlocked. The most immediate issue between the two is the fact that Ukraine is a county of thugs and thieves still. Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko is  under pressure from the United States also to intensify reforms and amid calls for protests against a government accused of turning […]

The false proxy wars by the US, Saudi Arabia, Israel, against Assad

Syria, a  conflict Washington tried so hard to push to the background now dominates the Worldwide  conversation .  “ Six months ago you could go through long meetings with US officials without once mentioning Syria. Back then negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program were the dominant priority in Washington; Syria’s four-year civil war was a hopeless […]

Ukraine’s Naive dream – More money

Germany is willing to invest in Ukraine if its government tackles corruption and pares down the influence of oligarchs, German Chancellor Angela Merkel . Merkel pressed the Ukrainian government to better deal with corruption .  However, she added that Ukraine still has a lot to do to attract business and needed to take steps to improve its legal framework, […]

And what is the US really doing? Helping Terrorists!

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would shut down U.S. mosques he deems extremist in order to fight the Islamic State terror group.  Parents across Tennessee are challenging the state’s political and educational boards on the grounds that a textbook used in 7th grade is “Islam-centric.” Six churches in St. Louis, Missouri have been […]

The next War on US soil

Modern Russia has returned to its Christian roots. There is a revival in Russian Orthodoxy with over 25,000 new churches built in Russia after the fall of Communism. On any Sunday, the churches are packed. Over 70% of the population identifies themselves as Orthodox Christians. Combine this religious revival with renewed Nationalism and Russia is […]

The clearly immoral, shoddy, low, unprofessional western Journalistic standard

The western  News Media Again  Trash Putin and Russia  leading their descent into hysteria,  inflammatory accusations   and recklessness was, is immoral, as usual, by  their  uncritical  “Reporting” and unsubstantiated   accusations with Russia’s Vladimir Putin almost instantly convicted by the  Western media of being a dangerous terrorist. . These accusations preclude any rational discussion where Putin can […]